Our Firm

Perry L. Smith Consulting is located in Bellevue, Washington. We have made it our life's work to help people accumulate and retain wealth. With our relationship with Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker/dealer member FINRA & SIPC, and with Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. as an a Registered Investment Advisor. We assist high-net-worth individuals, professionals and business owners. Designing and developing asset and estate planning strategies for our clients by posing one question to them, a question which we consider to be of utmost importance: Will your financial model match your asset and estate planning today and in the future?

As a steward of this profession since 1971, I believe: "Individuals with substantial wealth face unique challenges. They need the assistance of a financial advisor who can analyze their asset and estate planning and present the findings in the form of an integrated model. I accomplish these objectives by taking the time to understand your particular needs. I then work with you, your attorney and accountant to custom tailor a model that employs for your benefit the full capabilities of some of the nation's most respected and trusted financial institutions. I am committed to creating and providing this integrated model for you."


 Always remember the end goal of comprehensive wealth and tax planning goes well beyond choosing investments.   I help clients design a life.  As a Wealth Advisor in Bellevue, Washington with over twenty-five years of experience in wealth management, I assist high-net-worth individuals, families, and business owners design and develop wealth management solutions.

As a steward of this profession since 1991, I believe: "A great financial advisor provides these three most important things, in order, discipline, listen, and accountability; discipline the ability to maintain a strategy no matter what noise the various news outlets are blathering about.  In addition, a great financial advisor listens to the client.  I want to know what keeps you and your family up at night and how can I solve for that; my client's do the talking and I listen.  Lastly, a great financial advisor offers a level of accountability.  This is by encouraging my clients to save and invest or by managing my client's expectations.   Again, I help clients design a life not just invest money.  Through the discipline, listening, and accountability I build financial models to help you design that life.  I work with you, your attorney, and accountant to custom tailor a Wealth Plan that employs for your benefit the full capabilities of some of the nation's most respected and trusted financial institutions.  I am committed to creating and providing this fiduciary service."